Easter coming soon! =))) am really excited for it! *though i will be having school in the morning :( anyway, seen the easter rehearsal and i personally felt that it was great. really touching and it showed forth God's love for each and everyone of us. masterpiece indeed. we are God's masterpieces!
Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
just reminded of some games that i engaged in and enjoyed quite abit.
citadel 捉迷藏 S.O Dai Dee Heart Attack 黑芝麻 白芝麻 bejeweled gun bullets 白度那 daytona arcade games
wahh. i'm sooo amused by the chinese characters. LOL. oops, neglected debbie who's on the line with me now. hahahahhaa.
thanks gwen for telling me how to activate. wow =)))
anyway, puay, this is for you -----> 吴尊 已由 ------> this is what i get when i type yiyou. 高温 ------> this is gwen's. (are you related to me in anyway? same surname.)