
Thursday, January 04, 2007


it just dawned upon me that 2007 is here! and i need to get ready for changes. YES! changes =)) in ministry, in pastoral, in personal life, in mentality, in attitude, in struggles, in EVERYTHING. change for the better! to extend the KOG. to build up people. to impact & influence, to do everything God wants me to do. simply because i'm his child :)

everyone dislike changes. everyone prefer to keep things the same. even the way we sleep, the way we talk, the way we react to situations, the way we think, the friends we hang out, the way we live, we try our best to keep it the same. simply because we want to continue to be in our comfort zone (that's when we felt the most comfortable). however, to mature, to grow, to live a meaningful & exciting life, we need changes to spice up and improve.

it's time for improvements and move on to greater things that's ahead for us!

*be the one to spark off new things and impact the rest =)))

- I'm watching & guiding you, God says -


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